
TDC Education: Your First (Typographic) eBook: Workshop with Charles Nix

eBooks need designers! It's time to bring your typographic skills to bear on the future of publishing. This one-day workshop will teach print-based graphic designers how to make a (typographic) eBook. By noon, you'll have created a simple ePub file—complete with embedded fonts—from a common InDesign file. And by day's end, you'll know the lay … Read more

Future Tense: eBook Typography

A panel discussion moderated by Charles Nix Thursday, April 3 Panelists: Steve Matteson (Creative Type Director, Monotype); Andrew Peltcs (eBook Technical Manager, Random House); and John Tomaselli (Manager, Content Applications-Design, Random House) Description: eBook typography is in its awkward teen years: There's clear evidence it will improve dramatically and soon, but for now, it's struggling … Read more

Art of the eBook

What is an art eBook? A coffee-table book translated into digital form? An experiment in digital storytelling? An investigation of “bookness” through the lens of new media? Or all of these and more. eBook publishers and designers are just beginning to experiment with the potential of interactivity, audio and video, expressive typography, non-linear narrative structure; … Read more

Charles Nix: WWJD? (What Would Justus Do?)

Type Directors Club 347 W 36th St Suite 603, New York, NY, United States

Messages from the dead! Mystical communication across two centuries! International intrigue! Typographic treasures guarded by a network of biblio-zealots! A massive cabal! A plot so colossal no less than 90 collaborators involved! A Corsican invader! Genius hampered by Emperor Napoleon! German Romance! The Caspar David Friedrich of type! Behold! An illustrated lecture! Join Charles Nix … Read more